Date(s) - Sun, 3 July 2016
9:00 am - 2:00 pm

Lismore Kart Club

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We will be having a Come & Try Sunday 3rd July from 9am till about lunch time.

If you are interest in having a drive, read the information of the Come & Try page.

Please confirm with the club secretary that you would like to participate as bookings essential to ensure we have the time to also talk to you about getting into karting. To book please email: or phone 0456913757.

Track is closed to all licenced drivers whilst the Come & Try is happening. Licenced drivers able to drive once all come & try drivers have had there drive. Come & try drivers please feel free to stay, watch & chat to the licenced drivers.

(Entry to kart club is via Dunoon Gate as Lismore Showground)